New Transport Hub opened in Belfast

 10th September 2024

With the opening of the New Transport Hub in Belfast this weekend, we look back at 2016 where Tinnelly Group done the demolition of 'The Blacksheds' to make way for the new hub today.

During the demolition of what was known as “The Blackshed’s”, we were able to salvage a piece of the first ever railway station in Belfast. Translink have donated the salvage to Downpatrick and Co Down Railway for a restoration project in which they aim to recreate a Victorian Style Train shed in their heritage station building.

These historic remnants of Belfast’s first ever railway station complex where found within large warehouse sheds, originally the sheds were used by freight trains from all over Ireland carrying produce such as cattle and stout.

The demolition works included the full demolition of 3 black sheds, a number of out buildings and removal of above ground fuel storage tanks. There also was removal of licensed asbestos from within the main building and asbestos cement sheeting.

The warehouses and storage sheds were demolished as well as floor slabs and foundations to approx 1m below existing ground level. As part of the project their was the removal or treatment of invasive species which included Japanese Knotweed.

The cast iron columns that were discovered are one of the last remaining links to the old Great Northern Railway station that was demolished back in 1976.

The new Belfast Hub, just opened this weekend will transform the public transport system within Northern Ireland, creating new jobs, attract tourism and investment opportunities.

Tinnelly Group are proud to have been part of this journey.

View our gallery below of before, after and now.

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